Segment Director of Photography (6 segments)
Cinematographer (17 segments)
Network: HBO
Camera Package: Sony FS7, Canon L, Sigma Art
Locations: USA, France, Italy, Libya, Syira, Iraq, Yemen, South Sudan, Gaza

In 2013 I was one of the initial hires for the team that would launch VICE News after the success of VICE on HBO. I served as a hybrid shooter / producer for the VICE News Team. After producing 8 current affairs documentaries and shooting on countless other VICE News projects I left my staff position and continued working as a freelance cinematographer for the award winning VICE on HBO and VICE News on HBO programs.

Libyan Migrant Smuggling
Emmy Nominated, Director of Photography, Single Camera

Assad’s Syria
Director of Photography, Single Camera

Return to Yemen
Director of Photography, Single Camera

Iran in Iraq
Co- Director of Photography

Libya's Revolution Is in Ruins
Director of Photography, Single Camera

Fighting ISIS
Contributing Cinematographer, Single Camera

The Displaced: Europes Underground Refugee Railroad
Director of Photography

South Sudans Crude Reality
Director of Photography, Single Camera


Keeper of the Ashes


Small Town Secrets